Project title in Latvian: Cilvēciskāki čatboti: komunikācijā balstīti risinājumi lietotāju pieredzes uzlabošanai
Project title in English: Humanising chatbots: conversation-based solutions for chatbot user experience enhancement
Project title abbreviation: HumBots
Project number: lzp-2021/1-0151
Project implementer: University of Latvia (UL)
Project leader: Igors Gubenko
The leading structural unit for the implementation of the project at the UL is the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Culture Information Systems Centre.
Total funding of the project: 299 999,70 EUR
Project implementation period: 03.01.2022–30.12.2024
The project is funded by the Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research programme.